No five days in bed for Mr. hoops, who is up at 4AM pining for a beer and updating his blog.
Is Mark Twain still a douchetard?
Friday, September 30, 2005
file under funny revisionism
check it out,
here's a re-edited trailer for Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" turning the film into a nice family comedy. . . freaking hilarious. i found this through the Onion which i have liked on the right, over there, or you can check out the Onion article here if that link gives you trouble. try to get it to load through the link i gave you though as in the comments for the Onion someone gives away the song used in the trailer which is fuckin' perfek, holy shit. you'll also need QuickTime (Windows/Macintosh) or at least i did, in order to view the clip.
here's a re-edited trailer for Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" turning the film into a nice family comedy. . . freaking hilarious. i found this through the Onion which i have liked on the right, over there, or you can check out the Onion article here if that link gives you trouble. try to get it to load through the link i gave you though as in the comments for the Onion someone gives away the song used in the trailer which is fuckin' perfek, holy shit. you'll also need QuickTime (Windows/Macintosh) or at least i did, in order to view the clip.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
aligning our constraints against one another
retain your innermost feelings. . . savor them. . . complete them without thought. there is not room for consideration. there is no room for contemplation. we reel and then subside. we feel and then deride. is there anything worth more than the value society has placed upon it? {only everything.} do you wallow in fields so shallow? {i do not.} are things so bad that you must proselytize?. . . are things so bad i must utilize my poor manners to kick your ass?. . .
requisite conflagrations
inside each of us there is a burning that will, at some point in our lives, lead to an eventuality that shall cause us to deracinate in the extreme. for some this event is not an option or a possibility, merely a reality as far as realities go, a circumstance of life that has been thrust upon one, and for others it's something they are called to do. some will search it out unknowingly from the very beginnings of their conception and thusly, consciously or unconsciously, they will be inextricably drawn toward their inevitable fate. others will have certain events in life thrust upon them in such a manner that, in the end, they will have only one solution. i yearn for such an incendiary lifestyle.
post conflagrations we cannot but be held to our veiws, mores, posts, opinions and other such tripe. . . what matters most when you don't know what to do next? i say fuck it, and set them all on fire. . .
post conflagrations we cannot but be held to our veiws, mores, posts, opinions and other such tripe. . . what matters most when you don't know what to do next? i say fuck it, and set them all on fire. . .
Friday, September 23, 2005
...the dreaded midget is everywhere with his wife, moonlight chaos, but only during working hours. The bubbles are flowing again, this time a shadowy representation of Danish poison. No matter. The inevitable only exists in a constrained mind. Funny, these chores animals with opposable thumbs embrace. Every brain a prison. Every thought another metal bar, or yesterday's pizza. My friend "just C" accepts this, but "sleighrideknockdown" has an entirely different opinion, which is why he paints post office boxes mauve, and steals ash trays to fill his empty closet. The arrogant son-of-a-bitch. But you have to love someone who thinks stop signs are comical.
vindication for the damned
forward: this is an email i just slammed/jammed out to my friend nate. . . if he allows me i'll happily post his email to which i was responding. . .hope this proves interesting for someone. . . as far as stream-of-conscience philosophy can. . .with many a parenthetical music reference. . .
i feel this is an opportune time to remind you that, yes, i am always behind people who pursue their art (i know you know this, but i'm on a roll). . . no matter what age. . . my only regret in said category would be that i didn't pursue it more wholeheartedly and strenuously at an earlier age, however these regrets are not mine to have for if i hadn't traveled the path that i subsequently have, i never would have met the people i've met, made the parties i've made and ruled the multivariate scenes i've ruled. . . let's be honest. . . would i give anything to be 15 and have ultimate clarity? as far as the future is concerned? in order that i should definitively know what, in fact, it is that I SHOULD DO WITH MY LIFE, sure, but for one reason or another that wasn't/isn't the case with me. i want to do anything/everything. there resides in me a yearning for nearly all experiences, lives, fortunes, misfortunes, habittrails and existences. . . nothing jells and i yearn to live it all. . . (a side step here. . . i've heard all the hype about Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, so in my online gluttony that was yesterday, i downloaded some of their shit. . . as well as Art Brut, Pavement, Pulp, GBV, Nirvana, various hip-hop. . . anyway, i just heard 18,000 Lira by your boys AB and it was alright, but this CYHSY song just came on and for a first listen, it's fucking great. . . even though there isn't really anything spectacular about it, just good music, the song is called "The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth", it's still playing. . .damn refreshing. . . check 'em out if you get the chance. . . i want to hear more. . .they blew up all crazy big in NYC and sould 25,000 copies of their CD from their basement Pitchfork reported, so well, they became Insound's #1 seller, because of this they are being given the opportunity to get a distro deal directly with a major. . . wierd. . .very interesting business-side stuff. . .) Rocking to GBV Dusted now. . . shit i love random window player action. . . anyway, where was i before i was distracted by CYHSY. . . ah yes, well art is art and if doing it makes you happy then you have to do it. I don't think it's something you can get around. whenever i return to the states whenever or wherever that maybe. . . art is all i'm gonna do. i've wasted too much of my time 'workin' for the man' and worrying about meaningless bullshit to "put everything off until i get older and have the money to do what i want". . . it's just not an option for me, i've got to do it now. . . or it won't be done at all. . . and i can't imagine anything worse than looking back later and thinking. . . .'what if'. . . it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. . . bullshit. . . also i think we have to do these things for those who can't. . . i got an email from harris the other day where he said. . ."I am starting to believe that the economic reality in the USA is that you are probably not going to be able to have a job that fulfills you. You just need to pay the damn bills, especially if you have a family. So fuck it! I just want a damn paycheck, I'll seek fulfillment in other areas." . . . while this is practical for him, because he does have a family, it scares the shit out of me. . .I don't want to get stuck in that situation. . .I know/hope that harris will be fine and will seek fulfillment in other areas, i'm not dissing him, but i'm still trying to be young and idealistic, 2 things i feel like the world tries to strip one of everyday. . . they beat you down with the "well, you're getting older, time to grow up" mantras of bullshit. . . all it means is 'give up'. . . 'fall in line', 'get a job and fucking procreate for christ's sake', as if the world needs more kids. . .what they really mean is. . . we can see that you're at an age where we were already beat. . . we'd already given up. . . why haven't you?. . .but most of all they are confused and irate and jealous of you. . . yes we are older, but we are still kids at heart and it FUCKING KILLS THEM, we run, play, laugh, fuck, smile, party, converse, and revel in an ecstatic mode of joy they surrendered for a secure job and paycheck years ago and now that they can see we haven't been so easily fooled they're pissed. . . oh well. . . i ain't stoppin' anytime soon. . .we must always question. . . as i'm fond of repeating whenever i find out that someone is 'content' in their position in life (i mean, i'm glad tait is happy, it seems like he's actually found a balance in something he's interested in and something he likes to do, but what, exactly is neterer doing?? is he really happy with where his life is headed) {another music sidebar, sorry {Kinks destroyer came on. . . wtf is up with that song. . . are they singing about destroying themselves?? because that song is a big rip off of all day and all nite. . . i mean wtf is up with this song. . . i came across it while looking for Destroyer tracks on Limewire}} so back to contentment. . . i'm always fond of quoting that one dude, what's his name, oh yeah Socrates. . . you know he once said, "The unexamined life isn't worth living'' sometimes when i tell people this the just look blankly at me. . . sometimes they get it. . . i think life is one big question, and we must always ask, interrogate, challenge ourselves, otherwise, what is the point? really? how do you ever figure things out, or move forward in life? [MILK IT] the truth is, i don't think those people ever really do, they've got a path and that's the one upon which they stay. there is no straying for them. . .they just live and work in a kind of limbo. . . i'm sure they see it as a kind of contentment, or acceptance of their place in life. . .but it scares the shit out of me. . . i don't ever want to be happy if that's what it boils down to. . . from here it looks like a limpid acquiescence. . .TEST MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha how are you liking the random music updates. . . i'd probably be more coherent and/or would get more done if i wasn't listening to music. . . i would be fine if it was in the background, but coming out of the computer speakers here i can't ignore it. . .i never understood that either. . . how people could play music so they could get some work done. . . i can, rarely if ever, get any work done while listening music. . . as soon as the next song comes on i find that i've stopped whatever i was doing and am listening to the song. . .of course there are exceptions. . . when it's something you've listened to a thousand times. . . but still. . .well, maybe i should end this fucking shit-storm of an email. . . i hope i addressed your questions. . . i feel that this subject along with a couple others we've had are always/constantly up for discussion/debate/review. . . as it's a truly worthy thing to talk about. . .as interesting as reality tv must be to some people (they don't have lives of their own and must then live vicariously through others) i'm sure they'd be bored with our esoteric, inner-struggle debates. . . you know, speaking of, a lot and really, i mean a lot of people don't like Hamlet, cause they see it in a similar light. . . as in, why is he always whiny and why doesn't he just do something about it already. . . but i think the psychological struggle that exists in man and, to a greater or lesser extent has always existed is fully realized in the text. . . but what do i know. . .In the mouth a desert. . . the king of id. . . now here's a banal note about my macca ignorance. . .
yeah, i know you had a certain affinity for Flaming Pie. . .and remember Dustin giving you a good amount of shit about it, but i don't think i ever really listened to the album myself, just heard the random song you would play on the 'box at EF. but i did look up the albums he's released recently and the one i hadn't heard of was Driving Rain, it seems to have garnished some good reviews, what about that album?? I'm also aware that he did 2 albums of tape experimentation's, of which i heard the first was supposed to be really good, do you know anything about those??
as always, take care and let me know if would like to discuss this topic some more i'm sure you've got some other valid points as well. . . as sloppy as most of my email is i think i'm gonna post it on my blog. . . a) because it's been awhile since i've posted anything and b) because someone might actually find it interesting. . .
PS. the music is back in the middle room. . . rock out brotha!
i feel this is an opportune time to remind you that, yes, i am always behind people who pursue their art (i know you know this, but i'm on a roll). . . no matter what age. . . my only regret in said category would be that i didn't pursue it more wholeheartedly and strenuously at an earlier age, however these regrets are not mine to have for if i hadn't traveled the path that i subsequently have, i never would have met the people i've met, made the parties i've made and ruled the multivariate scenes i've ruled. . . let's be honest. . . would i give anything to be 15 and have ultimate clarity? as far as the future is concerned? in order that i should definitively know what, in fact, it is that I SHOULD DO WITH MY LIFE, sure, but for one reason or another that wasn't/isn't the case with me. i want to do anything/everything. there resides in me a yearning for nearly all experiences, lives, fortunes, misfortunes, habittrails and existences. . . nothing jells and i yearn to live it all. . . (a side step here. . . i've heard all the hype about Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, so in my online gluttony that was yesterday, i downloaded some of their shit. . . as well as Art Brut, Pavement, Pulp, GBV, Nirvana, various hip-hop. . . anyway, i just heard 18,000 Lira by your boys AB and it was alright, but this CYHSY song just came on and for a first listen, it's fucking great. . . even though there isn't really anything spectacular about it, just good music, the song is called "The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth", it's still playing. . .damn refreshing. . . check 'em out if you get the chance. . . i want to hear more. . .they blew up all crazy big in NYC and sould 25,000 copies of their CD from their basement Pitchfork reported, so well, they became Insound's #1 seller, because of this they are being given the opportunity to get a distro deal directly with a major. . . wierd. . .very interesting business-side stuff. . .) Rocking to GBV Dusted now. . . shit i love random window player action. . . anyway, where was i before i was distracted by CYHSY. . . ah yes, well art is art and if doing it makes you happy then you have to do it. I don't think it's something you can get around. whenever i return to the states whenever or wherever that maybe. . . art is all i'm gonna do. i've wasted too much of my time 'workin' for the man' and worrying about meaningless bullshit to "put everything off until i get older and have the money to do what i want". . . it's just not an option for me, i've got to do it now. . . or it won't be done at all. . . and i can't imagine anything worse than looking back later and thinking. . . .'what if'. . . it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. . . bullshit. . . also i think we have to do these things for those who can't. . . i got an email from harris the other day where he said. . ."I am starting to believe that the economic reality in the USA is that you are probably not going to be able to have a job that fulfills you. You just need to pay the damn bills, especially if you have a family. So fuck it! I just want a damn paycheck, I'll seek fulfillment in other areas." . . . while this is practical for him, because he does have a family, it scares the shit out of me. . .I don't want to get stuck in that situation. . .I know/hope that harris will be fine and will seek fulfillment in other areas, i'm not dissing him, but i'm still trying to be young and idealistic, 2 things i feel like the world tries to strip one of everyday. . . they beat you down with the "well, you're getting older, time to grow up" mantras of bullshit. . . all it means is 'give up'. . . 'fall in line', 'get a job and fucking procreate for christ's sake', as if the world needs more kids. . .what they really mean is. . . we can see that you're at an age where we were already beat. . . we'd already given up. . . why haven't you?. . .but most of all they are confused and irate and jealous of you. . . yes we are older, but we are still kids at heart and it FUCKING KILLS THEM, we run, play, laugh, fuck, smile, party, converse, and revel in an ecstatic mode of joy they surrendered for a secure job and paycheck years ago and now that they can see we haven't been so easily fooled they're pissed. . . oh well. . . i ain't stoppin' anytime soon. . .we must always question. . . as i'm fond of repeating whenever i find out that someone is 'content' in their position in life (i mean, i'm glad tait is happy, it seems like he's actually found a balance in something he's interested in and something he likes to do, but what, exactly is neterer doing?? is he really happy with where his life is headed) {another music sidebar, sorry {Kinks destroyer came on. . . wtf is up with that song. . . are they singing about destroying themselves?? because that song is a big rip off of all day and all nite. . . i mean wtf is up with this song. . . i came across it while looking for Destroyer tracks on Limewire}} so back to contentment. . . i'm always fond of quoting that one dude, what's his name, oh yeah Socrates. . . you know he once said, "The unexamined life isn't worth living'' sometimes when i tell people this the just look blankly at me. . . sometimes they get it. . . i think life is one big question, and we must always ask, interrogate, challenge ourselves, otherwise, what is the point? really? how do you ever figure things out, or move forward in life? [MILK IT] the truth is, i don't think those people ever really do, they've got a path and that's the one upon which they stay. there is no straying for them. . .they just live and work in a kind of limbo. . . i'm sure they see it as a kind of contentment, or acceptance of their place in life. . .but it scares the shit out of me. . . i don't ever want to be happy if that's what it boils down to. . . from here it looks like a limpid acquiescence. . .TEST MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha how are you liking the random music updates. . . i'd probably be more coherent and/or would get more done if i wasn't listening to music. . . i would be fine if it was in the background, but coming out of the computer speakers here i can't ignore it. . .i never understood that either. . . how people could play music so they could get some work done. . . i can, rarely if ever, get any work done while listening music. . . as soon as the next song comes on i find that i've stopped whatever i was doing and am listening to the song. . .of course there are exceptions. . . when it's something you've listened to a thousand times. . . but still. . .well, maybe i should end this fucking shit-storm of an email. . . i hope i addressed your questions. . . i feel that this subject along with a couple others we've had are always/constantly up for discussion/debate/review. . . as it's a truly worthy thing to talk about. . .as interesting as reality tv must be to some people (they don't have lives of their own and must then live vicariously through others) i'm sure they'd be bored with our esoteric, inner-struggle debates. . . you know, speaking of, a lot and really, i mean a lot of people don't like Hamlet, cause they see it in a similar light. . . as in, why is he always whiny and why doesn't he just do something about it already. . . but i think the psychological struggle that exists in man and, to a greater or lesser extent has always existed is fully realized in the text. . . but what do i know. . .In the mouth a desert. . . the king of id. . . now here's a banal note about my macca ignorance. . .
yeah, i know you had a certain affinity for Flaming Pie. . .and remember Dustin giving you a good amount of shit about it, but i don't think i ever really listened to the album myself, just heard the random song you would play on the 'box at EF. but i did look up the albums he's released recently and the one i hadn't heard of was Driving Rain, it seems to have garnished some good reviews, what about that album?? I'm also aware that he did 2 albums of tape experimentation's, of which i heard the first was supposed to be really good, do you know anything about those??
as always, take care and let me know if would like to discuss this topic some more i'm sure you've got some other valid points as well. . . as sloppy as most of my email is i think i'm gonna post it on my blog. . . a) because it's been awhile since i've posted anything and b) because someone might actually find it interesting. . .
PS. the music is back in the middle room. . . rock out brotha!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
jilted amalgams
the previously stalwart beams of sunlight who, through piercing the clouds for far too long, have surpassed their nominal declination causing them to break. the broken rays of sunlight have collapsed akwardly into a pile containing the answers to yesterdays thoughts. their width and measure, length and girth, depth and distance all resemble each other so similarly that they are, in all probiblity the same, though at first glance they appear completely dissimilar. such is the conudrum of life i.e., constantly presenting essentially the same problem in many different guises. our task is to render these jilted amalgams in such a way that they might coalesce.
Friday, September 09, 2005
random attire
today my hair is long. possibly longer than it's ever been. possibly. it's also clean. a state which does not occur with the frequency my mother would like it to. i'm sure there aren't many mothers with wishes to have their children running around with unclean hair. i, however, possess such proclivities. i have no idea why. today i'm wearing my hair down. jesus-style. it's been beaten down in the past eight months by the sun, salt water oceans, metropolitan cities, the cambodian country-side, chlorine and me not cutting it once. still, it continues to thrive. today i'm wearing a white shirt i purchased in thailand. it's of a very light construction. gossamer-esque will have to suffice. i bought the shirt because it seemed like my other shirts were made in other, different, far of countries (which i'm sure they were) where the denizens have never expeirenced a hot climate (which i'm sure they haven't, ok, well, not like this anyway). in a shorter form, i bought the shirt to help me fend off the "all-i'm-doing-is-sitting-here-eating-and-i'm-sweating-my-ass-off" conditions i found myself in. it turned out the "conditions" didn't give two shits about my new lightweight shirt. i continued to sweat. profusely. which, when considering the doctor's advice that the dr. hst himself once received, the fact that sweat was being rapidly expedited through every pore in my body became a somewhat reassuring notion. not that the copius amount of sweat produced by my body made my visit to thailand unenjoyable. it was merely something to which i hadn't yet become acclimatized. thailand was my favourite stop on the current world tour. southeast asia in general really. my southeast asia being comprised of thailand, cambodia, vietnam and singapore. no laos or malyaisa. . . they'll have to wait until next year. back to the shirt. at least my new shirt didn't turn into the equivalent of wearing a wet towel after ten minutes as my other shirts seemed to. it's so light in fact that wind is able to penetrate the fabric, another worthy attribute. my white shirt is complimented by my black shorts which also double as a swimming suit. just in case the need for said activity should arise. which, although it often did in thailand, it rarely does here in seoul. my random attire is topped off, or bottomed off as it were, with sandals. they've gotten me this far and are by far my favourite choice in footwear for '05. until now i've been chasing summer around the globe and my sandals have been there provding momentum, balance and agility at an alarming rate.
ok i'm done with this exercise in structure-tone. yes i stole that.
ok i'm done with this exercise in structure-tone. yes i stole that.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
my friends
benjamin, although not yet home from his european vacation is intent upon revelling in his ne'er-do-well behaviour. let's all take a moment to congratulate him. oh yeah and maybe to even tell him it's nice to have friends half a world away making fun of your ass. . .
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